My primary research is in the area of
abstract homotopy theory, specifically questions involving
(monoidal) model categories, Quillen equivalences, Bousfield
localization, cellularization, algebras over (colored) operads,
and coalgebras over comonads. My work has applications to
(stable) homotopy theory, higher category theory, equivariant
homotopy theory, Goodwillie calculus, homological algebra,
motivic homotopy theory, and representation theory. My PhD
thesis was supervised by
Mark Hovey.
I have also done research in computer science and discrete
mathematics. Under the supervision of Danny Krizanc,
my master's thesis settled a conjecture involving autonomous
agents moving on a graph. I have supervised undergraduate
research in computer science on the structure of social
network graphs, R package development, and streaming
algorithms for statistical inference.
I have done work in statistics, with two papers so far
focusing on statistical pedagogy, and several applied
statistics papers. I have supervised undergraduate research
projects related to spatial econometrics, genomic modeling,
data-driven journalism, and epidemiology (specifically, the
opioid epidemic in Ohio). I've carried out statistical
research related to policing and protests, wound healing in
diabetic individuals, and mass shootings in the USA.
I have done work in economics, to create a game theoretic
model for the collective action problem in revolutions, with a
particular focus on the 2014 rebellion in Ukraine.
I maintain a repository of data sets, R code, relevant
research papers, and research questions regarding the overdose
epidemic in Ohio. There are dozens of research questions
(often suitable for undergraduate students) that could be
answered using these data sets, that would result in good
publications. Many researchers in Ohio have gotten involved,
and I welcome others who are interested to join. For more
details, please visit my page Statistical Consulting for
Harm Reduction.
My coauthors have included Mark Hovey,
Yau, Javier Gutierrez,
Boris Chorny,
Casacuberta, Don Larson, Kristen Mazur, Carolyn Yarnall,
Cary Malkiewich, Mona Merling, Luke Wolcott, Nathan Carter,
Olga Nicoara, Tom Bressoud,
Matt Kretchmar, Dick DeVeaux, Mahesh Agarwal, Maia Averett, Ben
Baumer, Andrew Bray, Lance Bryant, Lei Cheng, Amanda Francis,
Robert Gould, Albert Kim, Qin Lu, Ann Moskol, Deb Nolan, Roberto
Pelayo, Sean Raleigh, Ricky Sethi, Mutiara Sondjaja, Neelesh
Tiruviluamala, Paul Uhlig, Talitha Washington, Curtis Wesley,
Ping Ye, Andrew Magyar, J.D. Phillips, Kyle Prifogle, William
Lin Ma
('20), Lam Tran ('21),
Rodriguez, Yassin Bahid, Olga Kutsenko,
Topaz, Timur Kiguradze, and my brother, Michael White.
I have also contributed to MathOverflow.
Books and Chapters
- Introduction
to Data Systems: Building from Python, with Thomas
Bressoud, Springer, 2020.
- Statistics for Mathematicians, Chapter in Data Science for
Mathematicians, edited by Nathan Carter,
Taylor and Francis, 2020.
- Monoidal Bousfield Localization and Algebras over Operads,
Wesleyan University
Library, 2014.
- Traversals
Infinite Graphs with Random Local Orientations, Wesleyan University Library, 2012.
Available digitally through WesScholar,
or as arXiv
Research Publications
- The
statistical and dynamic modeling of protests in Ukraine:
the Revolution of Dignity and preceding times, with
Nancy Rodriguez, Yassin Bahid, and Olga Kutsenko, PLOS
ONE, 19(5): e0301639, 2024.
- On Colimits in Various Categories of Manifolds, Graduate
Journal of Mathematics, 9(1), 1-16, 2024.
- A variant of a Dwyer-Kan theorem for model categories,
with Boris Chorny, Algebraic and Geometric Topology,
24(4), 2185-2208, 2024. Available as arXiv:1805.05378.
- Left Bousfield Localization without Left Properness, with
Michael Batanin. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,
228(6), 2024. Available as arXiv:2001.03764.
- An
analysis of protesting activity and trauma through
mathematical and statistical models, with Nancy
Crime Science volume 12,
Article number: 17,
- Smith Ideals of Operadic Algebras in Monoidal Model
Categories, with Donald Yau. Algebraic and Geometric
Topology, 24(1), 341-392, 2024. Available as arXiv:1703.05377.
- Right Bousfield Localization and Eilenberg-Moore
Categories, with Donald Yau. Higher Structures,
7(1):22-39, 2023. Available as arXiv:1609.03635.
- Homotopy theory of algebras of substitudes and their
localisation, with Michael Batanin. Transactions of the American
Mathematical Society, Volume 375, Number 5, May
2022. Available as arXiv:2001.05432.
- Monoidal Bousfield Localization and Algebras Over
Operads. Equivariant Topology and
Derived Algebra, Cambridge University Press, pp.
179-239, 2021. Available as arXiv:1404.5197.
HB-EGF engineered for promiscuous super affinity to the
extracellular matrix improve wound healing in a model of
type 1 diabetes, joint with Jeffrey Hubbell, Michael
White, and Priscilla Briquez, Nature: Regenerative Medicine, 2021.
- Substitudes, Bousfield
localization, higher braided operads, and Baez-Dolan
stabilization, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Number 46, 2021:
Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures, pp. 56-60.
- Left Bousfield Localization and Eilenberg-Moore
Categories, with Michael Batanin. Homology, Homotopy, and Applications,
Volume 23, Issue 2, pp. 299-323, 2021. Available as arXiv:1606.01537.
- A
Statistical Analysis of Drug Seizures and Opioid Overdose
Deaths in Ohio from 2014 to 2018, with Lin Ma and Lam
Tran, Journal of Student
Research, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2021.
- Right Bousfield Localization and Operadic Algebras, with
Donald Yau. Tbilisi
Mathematics Journal, Special Issue
(HomotopyTheorySpectra), pp. 71-118, 2020. Available as arXiv:1512.07570.
- An Alternative Approach to Equivariant Stable Homotopy
Theory, with Mark Hovey. Tbilisi
Mathematics Journal, Special Issue on Homotopy Theory,
Spectra, and Structured Ring Spectra, 51-69, 2020.
Available as arXiv:1312.3846.
- The
User's Guide Project: Looking Back and Looking Forward,
with Don Larson, Kristen Mazur, and Carolyn Yarnall. Journal of Humanistic
Mathematics, Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 411 -
430, 2020.
- Homotopical Adjoint Lifting Theorem, with Donald Yau, Applied Categorical Structures,
Volume 27, Issue 4, 2019, pages 385-426. Available as arXiv:1606.01803.
- A Project Based Approach to Statistics and Data Science, PRIMUS, Volume 29,
Issue 9, 2019, pp. 997-1038. Available as arXiv:1802.08858.
- Arrow Categories of Monoidal Model Categories, with Donald
Yau, Math. Scandinavica,
125(2), pp. 185-198, 2019, available as arXiv:1703.05359.
- An Overview of Schema
Theory, The Graduate Journal of
Mathematics, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2018, 37-59. Available
as arXiv:1401.2651.
- Encoding Equivariant
Commutativity via Operads, with Javier Gutierrez, Algebraic and Geometric
Topology, Volume 18, Number 5, 2018, 2919-2962.
Available as arXiv:1707.02130.
- Bousfield Localization
and Algebras over Colored Operads, with Donald Yau. Applied Categorical
Structures, Volume 26, Issue 1, 2018, pages 153-203. Available as arXiv:1503.06720.
- Model Structures on
Commutative Monoids in General Model Categories.
Journal of Pure and
Applied Algebra, Volume 221, Issue 12, 2017,
pages 3124-3168. Available as arXiv:1403.6759.
- Curriculum Guidelines
for Undergraduate Programs in Data Science, with Richard
De Veaux, et al. Report from Undergraduate Faculty Group
at Park City Mathematics Institute, Annual Review of Statistics,
Vol. 4, 2017, pages 15-30. Available as arXiv:1801.06814.
- Baez-Dolan
Stabilization via (Semi-)Model Categories of Operads,
with Michael Batanin. In Interactions between Representation Theory,
Algebraic Topology, and Commutative Algebra, ed.
Dolors Herbera, Wolfgang Pitsch, and Santiago Zarzuela, Research
Perspectives CRM Barcelona, Volume 5, 2015, pages 175-179.
Birkhauser, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45441-2.
- The
User's Guide Project: Giving Experiential Context to
Research Papers, with Cary Malkiewich, Mona Merling,
Frank Lucas Wolcott, and Carolyn Yarnall. Journal of Humanistic
Mathematics, volume 5, number 2, 2015.
- A Rational Choice Model of the Rise of Self-Proclaimed
States Encompassed in Weak Post-Soviet Economies, with Olga Nicoara. 2015 Annual Meetings of the Public
Choice Society.
- A user's guide:
Monoidal Bousfield localizations and algebras over
operads, Enchiridion:
Mathematical Users Guides, Vol. 1, 2015.
Available as arXiv:1801.03191.
- White Paper Research
Report (title is classified), Internal NSA Journal,
Division R6,
- An Investigation into the Structure
of Digroups (with
A. Magyar, J.D. Phillips, K. Prifogle, and W. Young), Proceedings of the Wabash
Summer Institute in Algebra, 2007.
Popular Press
(editor reviewed):
1. Foster
negotiation between police and protesters for a peaceful DNC,
with Nancy Rodriguez and Chad M. Topaz, op-ed for the
Chicago Tribune, August 16, 2024.
2. Will
Milwaukee police fuel violence at Republican National
Convention protests? with Chad M. Topaz, op-ed for the
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 11, 2024.
3. Police must
refrain from escalating violence, with Nancy Rodriguez,
Chad M. Topaz, and Timur Kiguradze, op-ed for JAM News,
May 27, 2024.
4. Cooperation
can end violent protests, with Nancy Rodriguez and Chad
M. Topaz, op-ed for the New York Daily News, May 16,
- Comonadic
Coalgebras and left Bousfield Localization, with
Donald Yau, submitted.
- Model structures on
operads and algebras from a global perspective, with
Michael Batanin and Florian De Leger, submitted, arXiv:2311.07320.
- Quasi-tame substitudes
and the Grothendieck construction, with Michael Batanin and Florian De Leger, submitted, arXiv:2311.07322.
- Homotopical recognition of diagram
categories, with Boris Chorny, submitted, available as arXiv:2411.10120.
Ongoing Projects
- Model Structures on
non-Reduced Operads and the Commutative Monoid Axiom, with
Michael Batanin.
- Derived localisation
and the Grothendieck construction, with Michael Batanin.
- Localization and Cellularization for Motivic Symmetric Spectra, with Carles Casacuberta.
- A short note on
smallness and topological monoids.
- The Random Basic Walk
on Infinite Graphs.
- Parallel Search on
Intersection Graphs, with Jessica Tang.
- Model structures for
the relative stable module category, with Daniel Bravo and
Gabriel Valenzuela.
- Abelian Left Bousfield
localization, with Daniel Bravo.
- On multiplicative
norms, with Hiroyuki Nakaoka.
- State Unintentional
Drug Overdose Reporting Surveillance: Opioid Overdose
Deaths and Characteristics in Ohio, with Lin Ma and Lam
Research I have
- An Overview of Spatial
Econometrics, Alex Tybl, arXiv 1605.03486
and Social
Research Network (SSRN) number 2778679.
- Using Genomics to
Predict Learning Disabilities, Trevor Masters.
- Parallel Search on
Intersection Graphs, with Jessica Tang.
- Data Driven Journalism
and the Opioid Epidemic (2019), with Lin Ma and Lam Tran.
- Streaming Statistical
Tests (2019) with Colin Smith.
- An investigation into
stock market trading algorithms, with Phong Hoang.
- RC Good Fellowship, Convenient
Combinatorial Categories of Topological Spaces,
Principal Investigator, 2022-2023. Funding for a research
- COVID Re-engagement Grant, The McClure-Smith Conjecture, Principal
Investigator, 2021-2022. Funding for a research visit to
Michael Batanin in Prague, Czech Republic.
- Pedagogical Practice Projects Grant, Inviting Data Analytics Majors
into Introductory Computer Science, Denison
University, fall 2019.
- Center for Teaching and Learning, funding for Pedagogy and Resilience
reading group, Denison University, 2019-2020.
- Pedagogical Practice Projects Grant, SAGE Labs in Calculus,
Denison University, spring 2017.
- Center for Teaching and Learning, funding for Teaching Statistical Concepts
reading group, Denison University, 2016-2017.
- Pedagogical Practice Projects Grant, Statistical Modeling,
Denison University, spring 2016.
- Center for Mathematics and Scientific Computation, Equivariant cellularization
and nullification, co-Principal Investigator with
Boris Chorny, funding for research visit in July 2015.
- Denison University Research Table Grant, Ethics in Cyber Space,
co-Principal Investigator with Joan Krone and John McHugh.
Funding for interdisciplinary research, undergraduate
research, developing pedagogy, and to bring several external
speakers to campus in 2015-2016.
- Project NExT Fellow, 2015-2016.
- National Science Foundation, East Asia and Pacific Summer
Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI): "Studying the
Interplay between Localization and Categorical Algebra via
Algebraic Topology,'' Principal
award number IIA-1414942. Funded to be a visiting
scholar at Macquarie University working with Michael
Batanin. Additional funding provided by Australian Academy
of Sciences. 2014.
Student Travel Grant for travel to Joint Mathematics
Meetings, January 2014.
- National
Foundation Travel Grant for Type Theory, Homotopy
Theory, and Univalent Foundations conference held in
Barcelona, Spain, September, 2013.
- AMS Funding to start Graduate
Student Chapter at Wesleyan, 2013.
Ideas for
Undergraduate Research
As an undergraduate I was lucky to be
part of two REUs, so I firmly believe in the value of
research for undergraduates. I maintain a list of
projects on which I would be happy to collaborate with
undergraduates and early graduate students in
mathematics or computer science. If you're interested in
seeing this list please email me.
To Denison students: I will happily take on research
students in applied statistics at any time, ideally
during the semester. For pure mathematics or computer
science, my research interests tend towards the
abstract. Thus, research with me will likely best serve
students interested in graduate school. For such
students, the best time to do research with me is during
the summer after your sophomore year, or as an
independent study in your junior or senior year. The
summer after your junior year would be best spent at an
REU, to best position yourself for applying to graduate
A nice collection of open problems about popular games
can be gleaned from this