
David WhiteI am an associate professor at Denison University in the Department of Mathematics and hold affiliations with the Department of Computer Science and the Data Analytics Program.

This website was last updated in November of 2023.

Current Research:

My research is split between homotopy theory and applied statistics, computer science, and a smattering of other fields. My work in homotopy theory focuses on questions involving localization and model categories. My work has applications to the theory of algebras over colored operads, equivariant homotopy theory, homological algebra, representation theory, motivic homotopy theory, and higher category theory. Additionally, I have supervised undergraduate research in computer science, discrete applied mathematics, and applied statistics. My work outside homotopy theory has led to papers in economics, computer science, humanistic mathematics, statistics-education, and data science. Recently, I have begun to focus my statistics research on the opioid epidemic in Ohio, and on policing and protests. I am also working on a data science book.

For more information please visit my "Research" page.

Listservs at Denison:

I use an email listserv to announce job opportunities for math, CS, and DA majors. If you'd like to join, go to these links and click Subscribe on the left side of your screen:

A job specific listserv includes jobs requiring some post-graduate experience, and you can join:

If you're an alumnus of our department, you can join the alumni listservs here:

There is also a Linked In group for Denison alumni of math or CS, and I use my personal Linked In to help connect students with potential employers. Feel free to add me there:
Denison Math and CS group

Contact information:

David White
Department of Mathematics
Denison University
100 W College Street
Granville, OH 43023

Email: (first name) dot (last name) at denison dot edu