Although it is our goal that you should learn the concepts of the course, we must have some way to evaluate you. Therefore, we have to give exams. (Yuck!).
Exams: General
Exams: Number and location
Exams: Make-up exams
Exams: As relates to your grade
Exams: Format
Exams: Formulae that you need
Exams: Number and location
There will be three, regular, class-long exams given in the course.
For specific dates see the
course schedule.
Exams: Make-up exams
With the exception of excused medical absences,
Exams: As relates to your grade
The three exams
will count for 42% of your total course grade.
Exams: Format
The exams will all be given in the classroom, during the normal
classroom meeting time.
The exact problem format of the exams will vary;
however we can say that the exams will tend to emphasize
concepts and simple math.
Exams: Formulae that you need
The key to physics is not memorization, but being able to
utilize information. Therefore, we do *not* expect you to
memorize long and ugly formulae.
As a result, you will be allowed to use a single 8.5x11" sheet
of paper as a formula sheet. This can contain any information
that you may want to use.