Michael Chavrimootoo

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Denison University


My research spans computational social choice (COMSOC), which falls within AI (multiagent systems), but also draws on social choice theory, economics, political science, algorithms, and complexity theory. I'm driven by a need to understand the landscape of the field to find surprising structures and techniques that open new avenues. This had led me to explore the problems in COMSOC (and complexity) to determine precisely what separates them from other problems, and when collapses are hiding in plain sight. I received my Ph.D. at the University of Rochester (UR). Before that, I completed my undergraduate CS B.S. and Political Science B.A. at UR, with a focus on courses in CS theory, elections, and economic development.
Some problems I've worked on: I'm always open to exploring new theoretical concepts in computer science, economics, and math, along with their applications. Feel free to reach out if you have overlapping interests!


Me, in front of a delicious-looking meal!


Note: As is standard in theoretically-oriented work, the authors are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Select Slides/Talks/Recordings/Posters

Below are slides and, when available, recordings of talks given at international/selective conferences. (Those are also embedded within the list of publications above.)


firstname (dot) lastname (at) rochester (dot) edu

My links:

Nonacademic Activities and Interests