Ion Quantum Optics

amo notes > ion catalog > In

Indium Ion (In+)

Trapped/laser cooled: 1993 by E. Peik, G. Hollemann, and H. Walther at MPQ in Garching, Germany.
Reference: Phys. Rev. A 49, 402 (1994).

Basic information: Atomic/isotopic/spectroscopic information

(Some) groups currently using this ion:

Atomic structure:

Notes and references:

Wavelengths: (as shown) NIST database

3P1 lifetime: 440 ns Phys. Rev. A 49, 402 (1994)
3P0 lifetime: 0.195 s Phys. Rev. A 63, 051802(R) (2001)

Website updated 2024.06.09
Funding: National Science Foundation