Ion Quantum Optics

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Chromium Atom (Cr)

Laser cooled and trapped: 1998 by both A. S. Bell, J. Stuhler, S. Locher, S. Hensler, J. Mlynek and T. Pfau at the University of Konstanz in Konstanz, Germany; and by C. C. Bradley, J. J. McClelland, W. R. Anderson, and R. J. Celotta at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
Reference: Europhys. Lett. 45, 156 (1999); and Phys. Rev. A 61, 053407 (2000).

Basic information: Atomic/isotopic/spectroscopic information

(Some) groups currently using this atom:
      U Paris
      U Stuttgart

Atomic structure:
(coming soon)

Website updated 2024.06.09
Funding: National Science Foundation