Articles Citing
Clement, A., & Matthews, N. (2015)
The Whole Is Faster Than Its Parts:
Evidence for Temporally Independent Attention to Distinct Spatial Locations
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 24 November, 2015, p. 1-12
PubMed - MEDLINE Index # 26603040

1. Smigasiewicz, K., Wondany, K., & Verleger, R.
Left-Hemisphere Delay of EEG Potentials Evoked by Standard Letter Stimuli During Rapid Serial Visual Presentation:
Indicating Right-Hemisphere Advantage or Left-Hemisphere Load?
Front. Psychol., 04 February 2019 |
PubMed - MEDLINE Index # TBD Citing PubMed - MEDLINE Index # 26603040