Overall Course Outline for Biochemistry 302-01, Fall 2000

  1. The Basics
    1. Introduction to the context of biochemistry
      1. to this course
      2. to molecular and organismal evolution
      3. to scales of time and size
    2. Introduction to the molecules
      1. water (issues of polarity and pH)
      2. nucleotides
      3. carbohydrates
      4. lipids in biological membranes
      5. amino acids (both alone and in proteins)
    3. Introduction to protein analysis
      1. protein structure
        1. elements of structure
        2. why and how proteins fold
        3. predicting structure
      2. protein purification and characterization
      3. molecular biological techniques in protein biochemistry
      4. how proteins interact with other molecules
  2. Towards a predictive understanding of structure/function relationships in proteins
    1. Case studies in protein S/F
    2. Thermodynamic and kinetic tools in protein analysis
    3. Control of protein function by modification of protein structure
    4. Protein engineering
  3. Proteins in the wild -- excursions in Metabolic Biochemistry

The page you are viewing, http://www.denison.edu/~kuhlman/courses/biochem/302.2000.outline.html, was last modified on September 11, 2000.
This page is the creation and intellectual property of Peter L. Kuhlman.
If you have any comments or questions on this document, please contact me!