Cambrian Period

The Cambrian was a time of "evolutionary experimentation" and adaptive radiation. Many body plans were tested, but only a few succeeded during natural selection (predation, competition, etc.).

Events marking the beginning and end of the geologic period

The emphasis will be on what event led to the conclusion of the time period.

Climate/Ecological Communities

predominant vegetation types, etc.

The emphasis will be on what event led to the conclusion of the time period.

Continental drift

What position were the continents in during the geologic period? How did their positions influence climate?

Adaptive radiations

Animal Life:

Fossils dating to the Cambrian are widespread, all in the seas. Life included: Coelenterates, protozoa, poriferans, molluscans, worms, echinoderms, trilobites, trilobitomorphs, achaocyathids, and brachiopods.

Plant Life:

Algae was the major forms of plant life. They secreted lime, helping in the formation of rocks.

List all groups of organisms, plants, animals, fungi, etc. that had significant radiations in numbers of species. Also, HOW did these radiations influence organisms around them?


What groups were influenced by extinctions during the geologic period? What hypotheses are there to explain these extinctions?

Fossil resources


Where in the world are fossils of this time period collected? Who are the major authorities in primary literature on this geologic period?

Glossary of terms

The marmot
A stoat-like animal
The stoat
A marmot-like animal
The badger
A wolverine-like animal
The wolverine
A badger-like animal

Literature cited

A list of works cited.

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