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Labs, Fall 2007
FYS 102-10


This class includes a weekly laboratory session. These are opportunities to pose scientifically testable questions, design an experiment which tests that question, obtain data from the experiment, analyze the data, and draw a conclusion about your result to answer the question you posed.

In keeping with scientific best practice, you will keep a laboratory notebook. The notebook will be where you do all of your laboratory-based writing -- from scratch work to lab reports.

Lab Notebook Layout

Use the left hand side of your notebook for scratch work and notes to yourself. Use the right hand side for your graded lab reports.

Lab Reports

As noted above, you will produce a lab report for each lab. This should be hand written directly inot your lab notebook. Base upon the discussion above, it should include the following parts:


The labs are scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. Your lab reports should be completed the same day as the lab is performed. The lab books are due in the cabinet outside of Olin 116 by 5pm Wednesday, the day after lab. They will be graded and returned to you in your next lab.
If you have any questions, or comments, please e-mail them to me at doty@cc.denison.edu. Thanks!