Table of Contents > Understanding Pictures in JES > Picture Objects in JES
Picture Objects in JES

To understand how to work with pictures in JES, you must first understand the objects (or encodings) that represent pictures.

You can imagine that each picture is made up of a collection of pixels, which is made up of pixel 0, pixel 1, pixel 2, etc, and that each pixel has it's own particular color.
Pictures are encodings of images, typically coming from a JPEG file.
Pixels are a sequence of Pixel objects. They flatten the two dimensional nature of the pixels in a picture and give you instead an arraylike sequence of pixels. pixels[0] returns the leftmost pixel in a picture.
A pixel is a dot in the Picture. It has a color and an (x, y) position associated with it. It remembers its own Picture so that a change to the pixel changes the real dot in the picture.
Color It’s a mixture of red, green, and blue values, each between 0 and 255.
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