Table of Contents > Setting Up JES > Installing JES on Linux and Other Unixes
Installing JES on Linux and Other Unixes

These instructions will help you get JES installed on your Linux (or *NIX) computer. Make sure you have Java 1.5 installed first! Unfortunatley, video playback may not work within JES on Linux platforms, but you can likely find other ways to play video.

1. You should have downloaded JES for Linux as a zipped archive containing a folder called "jes". Unzip that archive into your home directory, or some other place where you have read-write permissions.

2. Make sure that java is in your path (if you don't know what that means, it's okay -- it's probably already in your path).

3. Open a terminal window, go into the jes directory, and run JES should start right up. This will look something like:

$ cd /home/burdell/jes
$ ./